Saturday, May 2, 2009

Box The Bottom Of Your Doll

Boxing the bottom of your doll will give your doll dimension, ability to sit well, and make a nice and plump doll in three easy steps.

1) After sewing your doll body , take the bottom seam of the body part and pull it open. Do this BEFORE turning.
2)Sew the ends across, making a "box shape" to the bottom.
3)Clip off the ends, turn through slit in body and you are ready to fill bottom with poly pellets or rag stuff.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pinch Stitching Dolls

To pinch stitch doll faces you will need to lightly draw the eye brows, nose and mouth shapes on the doll face. I use a regular pencil. Most of my dolls will be painted or coffee stained so the pencil marks will not show. Start at the back of the head and secure a knot. Take the needle through to the nose and stitch UNDER the fabric, pushing the fiberfil up. Continue this up and down the nose. The nose will "pop" off the face. Repeat for the eyebrows and mouth. When done take the needle back to the back of the head and secure a knot.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Primitive Palace Tips n Techs Blog!!!

Hello and welcome to my tips blog. I am designing this blog especialy for those who buy my patterns to get pictures of tips and techniques. I will be throwing in secrets of the trade now and then and a monthly pattern special you can buy right here off my blog. I hope to have a few supplies for sale in here as well. Boy this is going to be way cool and an excellent resource for doll makers. Please be patient while I get it going.

I am not a total stranger to blogging. I have a regular blog at
You can see some of my works there. I have links there to my web store, Ebay and Etsy items.

I am fairly new to selling patterns and thought this would be an excellent resource for crafters. I have found that is is sometimes confusing to read all the instructions in patterns , especialy if you are not an experienced seamstress and try to visualize it. I certainly have had my trials and errors in the sewing world.

If I can do it so can you. I started crafting with woodwork and painting and fell in love with the primitive dolls. I couldnt sew so I drew what I wanted and had my MOm sew them up and mail them to me. I bought a sewing machine and I would have her sewing her fingers ot the bone when she came for her yearly visit. She must have gotten tired of it becasue she finaly said get your book out and if you can use all those saws you can use a sewing machine. Now I can sew like a speed demon!!!